Present day conditions have proved how valuable women can be, both to their country and to their homes, if trained upto the motto, “Be Prepared”. Adventure and the satisfaction of service belong to the girls of today just as much as they belonged to the heroines of bygone ages. For a guide, friendliness and happiness will become a habit, as she trains herself to be able to do her duty to her country and her home. The chief aim of Guides is “character development towards happy citizenship through natural rather than artificial means”. Character means possession of self-reliance, self discipline, cheerfulness, consideration for others and a sense of duty and of patriotism. Their motto is “Be Prepared”.
Guiding is a way of life. It is based on abiding faith in God and it helps to develop not only a liberal understanding of one’s own faith, but also a natural respect for other people’s religious beliefs.
Dancing is the oldest and liveliest of the arts. It is both an art and a form of recreation. Dance is the language of the body. A dancer can communicate any subject and any idea to the audience. The dance club constitutes members of Nursery to XII.
Bharathnatyam is a classical Indian dance form originating in Tamil Nadu, India. One of the oldest of the classical dance forms in India, it is also known as the fifth Veda. Bharathnatyam is usually accompanied by classical music. It has its inspirations from the sculptures of the ancient temple of Chidambaram. Bharathnatyam, as the name depicts is the combination of: BHA- Bhava (Expression), RA- Raga (Music) and TA- Tala (Rhythm) Bharathnatyam is a traditional dance-form known for its grace, purity, tenderness, and sculpturesque poses. Today, it is one of the most popular and widely performed dance styles and is practiced by many dancers all over the world.
Music is the language of the soul. The music club aspires to teach hymns as well as secular songs for all occasions to students of Nursery to XII. Music is the core of all our celebrations and get-togethers and therefore this club serves to prepare us for all such occasions and also helps to discover and develop this blessed ability to sing.
This helps the children develop into cultured and civilized persons, by exposing them to classical music.
Music improves concentration and creativity, the ability to retain information, the knowledge of what is right and wrong. Socially it gives confidence, acceptance of others, controlled behavior and improved manners.
The School band is a part of the cultural activities of the school and plays a major role on the sports day celebration, starting from playing for the march past to the National Anthem. Drum, Side Drum, Trumpet, Cymbals, Saxophone, Clarinet are some of the instruments they are taught to play.
It is believed that this musical activity is educationally sound as it serves a common basic need. It is psychologically sound since it tends to bring the student into closer harmony with environment, thereby making her a better individual. It is socially sound because it helps to develop bonds of understanding with others and tends to give the student a genuine feeling of belonging to, contributing to, and being accepted by various social groups.
The National Service Scheme was started to establish a meaningful linkage between campus and the community. Through the NSS, a volunteer gets opportunities to see the community closely and thereby experience nature in relation to her environment.
Students are trained to identify and tackle social problems that arise in the community which increases their social and civic responsibility. The skill to mobilize community participation, acquire leadership qualities and develop the capability to meet emergencies and natural disasters is also stressed upon. Apart from this NSS is a
Our counsellor visits the school every day and conducts sessions for individuals and classes. Individual attention is provided to students in order to work towards the overall growth of the concerned student. It also helps the students to develop a positive attitude and to thereby lead a stress-free life. Our counsellor is ready at all times to help students and parents tide over crisis situations that they come across in their day to day life.
The Career Guidance sessions regularly especially to the students of Std. IX, X, XI and XII to enable them take right decisions at crucial junctures in their life. Prominent and renowned resource persons are invited to conduct these classes.
Connecting with God everyday, every moment helps our students conduct their lives better in their day to day activities. ‘Alone With The Alone’ is a purely spiritual experience for our catechism students who spend precious moments once every month at the feet of the Lord. These prayer sessions strengthens them to grow into better human beings and young women of great calibre.
Being conscious of the need for leaders to transform society, Cluny School promotes leadership through various youth movements and co-curricular activities. One such movement is the Y.S.M. For its smooth running and to have more access into the group, the club is divided into small groups which are named after the seven colors of the rainbow – “VIBGYOR”. This reminds them of the beautiful rainbow which is unique and rare but appealing to all. So, its members are expected to become a ray of virtues which in turn attracts others to goodness and happiness. The various ‘get – together’ help the students to check their uniqueness, find their abilities and accept their limitations. They learn to be frank, free and smart in their expressions and activities. To cultivate these attitudes, various activities like self-introduction, group introduction, group activities like discussion, debate and games are conducted.
Through these meetings the students are reminded that self-discipline and modesty are the ornaments of young girls and that they should not sacrifice their future at the foolish altar of modernism, instead they should be rays of light to those who slumber at the entrance of youthfulness and lead them to their goal.