Time is precious and its every second, minutes and hours will never be used for another day, for it will never come back or delay as we wish.
Time is
Appreciate the worth of time and use it in a creative way. Thus we become persons who value time. Lets take to heart what Anne Marie Javouhey had to say, Fear waste of time as much as sin. Use every moment in the best way possible. That is the secret of success.
Sr. Rosalia
Headmistress, Primary School
Mental retardation is a condition, not a disease. It usually occurs during childhood or during the developmental period (up to 18 years). Children with mental retardation need special education. Special education provides for the unique needs of each child. It enables the child to develop socially, emotionally and intellectually. Prof. Jangira says special education is the process of making education to meet special needs of children, which cannot be satisfied by the present arrangements available in ordinary schools.
We believe that special children are a special gift from God as they are the embodiment of love and affection and training them is a great blessing. Each special child is endowed with variety of hidden talents and we, the special educators, tap those hidden talents and help them to flower beautifully in their own little way. Our mother Foundress, Anne Marie Javouhey, was a valiant woman with extra ordinary love towards the poor, the weak, the lepers, depressed, mentally challenged and so on. She worked with them and molded them to appreciate the worth of their lives on this beautiful planet. The N.I.O.S section cater to the needs of the slow learners and those who are unable to cope up with the mainstream, thus helping them to get through the Secondary and Senior Secondary which will enable them to look to the future with hope.
Keeping in mind the special needs of these differently abled children, Cluny opportunity school was started in the year 1982. Today, we are in the process of detaining accreditation from the National Institute of Open schooling to enable these children to find their rightful place in society.
Sr. Annis
Headmistress, Opportunity School