Jawaharlal Nehru, the first Prime Minister of Independent India, had this to say about education. When I want to know the future of India, I look not at the stars and planets, but into the eyes of little children. If their eyes are bright and full of joy and hope, the future of India is safe. If their eyes are full of tears and despair, there is no future there; there is no future for India. Education is the most potent tool to create a happy and prosperous nation. Anne Marie Javouhey, our foundress, gave us the vision of a new humanity where the freedom and dignity of each individual is respected, where the bondages which bind humanity are shattered.
Our educational projects derive inspiration from the educational directives given by the foundress two centuries ago. She said, Bring up the children well, love them and they will love you and you will do what you want. Teach them to be simple and hard working. For her, the tasks of an educator are:
In short, Anne Marie wants us, educators, to accompany those whom we serve on their way to their destiny by respecting their mystery.
For the past half century and more, Cluny in Bangalore has been striving hard to make Anne Marie's vision a reality. Thousands have walked past the sacred portals of this institution bearing the distinguishing stamp of Cluny education and have left a mark wherever they are placed. Today, Cluny stands towering above many other educational institutions, occupying a unique place in the educational scenario of our country. As we grow from strength to strength, I pray that we continue in this noble task, to bring forth the best in each child and enable her to find her place in this vast universe. With deep respect and gratitude we bow to all those who have striven hard to put Cluny on the educational map of our country.
Sr. Janet